Monday, October 7, 2013

Sony Vaio Pro 13, Specs and Price : the ultra lightweight ultrabook

Techno Gadgets - Sony Vaio Pro 13, Specs and Price : the ultra lightweight ultrabook - Sony introduces the Vaio Pro .. ? To be the alternative to the Apple MacBook Pro? We'll see

[ Taipei ] Despite veto stay, Sony has been presented next to the Computex sneaking into the formal launch of Windows 8.1 (Blue) and declare the title of Windows 8 ultrabook world's lightest to the Sony Vaio Pro 13 and 1.06 kilograms .

Galaxy Camera with 20.2MP: Appear on Google Plus some photos taken with the supposed new Samsung device

Techno Gadgets - Galaxy Camera with 20.2MP: Appear on Google Plus a quantity of photos taken with the designed extra Samsung device - Found on Google Plus a trio of images in which it seems all schedule Samsung is closer to liberation a extra version of its Galaxy Camera with Android this day. The reference we gain of the camera with the purpose of gain made these photographs is Samsung Galaxy Camera EK-GC100, while the current camera is the EK-GN120.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

How To Add Social Media Icons To Your Blog - Easy Way

Social Media has become an important player in the way we communicate with friends, family and relatives.  The blogging world is also moving towards social media to build up their blog community. Social Media presence have become important for every blogger, if they want to grow their blogging community and to achieve higher traffic for their blog. And, in turns it gives the users of your blog easy access to your blog's content. 
So, let's see - How To Add Social Media Icons To Your Blog:

Step 1: Before starting the work on adding social media buttons to your blog or website- you need to get the buttons first. You can get it free or you can buy also. I have downloaded the buttons as shown above in JPEG file format which are squared in shape. If you need round buttons they usually be in PNG format.

Step 2: Once having the buttons, you will have to upload it to Photobucket or any other similar site.

Step 3: Once uploaded, you need to get the URL's of your images now.
  • If you have uploaded your images to Photobucket, you'll can get the URL's of your images on the right hand side. Copy the URL from Direct Link Title content box. 

Step 4: Go to your blogger Dashboard-> Layout-> Click on "Add a Gadget". 

  • From the pop up window list, choose "HTML/JavaScript". 

Step 5: Below is the code Skeleton- Fill all the attributes of the HTML Tag correctly. 
[You can use Notepad/Word Pad to create all the HTML code and then paste it on the HTML/JavaScript Content box]

           <a href=""target="_blank" >
    <img src="http://www.URLofImageLocation.comheight="70" width="70" /></a> 

Explanation of Code:
  • : URL for the address of your social media like Facebook,Twitter etc. For example: 
  • target="_blank" : To make the page open in a New Tab.
  • : "Direct Link" URL address from PhotoBucket.
  • height="70" width="70" : Dimensions for your Icon. Change it depending on your requirements.
Repeat all the steps one by one for every social media icon you add. 

Step 6 : Click on "Save" button and "Save the Arrangement". Check your blog to see the changes and click each icons to make sure you have linked it properly.

That's it. If you do the steps correctly you will be going to have the brand new look for your blog/website.

If you have any doubts or suggestions, please do leave your comments below. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

How To Get Approved By YouTube Content Identification Program ContentID

YouTube has created an advanced set of copyright policies and content management tools to give rights holders control of their content. YouTube provides content management solutions for rights holders of all sizes across the world, and provides tools to cater to the specific needs of various rights owners.

What is Content ID?

YouTube's state-of-the-art technologies let rights owners:
  • Identify user-uploaded videos comprised entirely OR partially of their content, and
  • Choose, in advance, what they want to happen when those videos are found.  
  • Make money from them. Get stats on them. Or block them from YouTube altogether.
It's up to you.

Why use Content ID?

  • Make Money. Hundreds of media companies have signed up already, multiplying their inventory of monetizeable videos.
  • Fan Interaction. Turn your fans into marketers and distributors of your content—while letting them interact with their favorite content.
  • Reduce Infringement. Educate your fans about your copyright preferences and prevent your content from being distributed on YouTube without your permission.
  • Fully Automated. Once you're set up, Content ID will identify, claim, and apply policies to YouTube videos for you.
  • Market Data. Access snapshots of your content profile on YouTube, anytime. See how your videos are performing, monetizing, being blocked—at a glance.

Instructions on - How To Fill Form

1-Enter your First and Last Name

2- Country/Region (exactly place)

3- Phone Number 

4- Your Blog or Website URL

5- Choose one for which describes your content the best

6- Tell them how many copyright do you exclusively control (that means how many articles or self-created thing you have in your entire life?)

7- You may be an individual, or Organization, whatever best describe your account 

8- Have you issued a copyright take down notice (have you you ever issued a third party strike) tell true,because they check your channel whether can be trusted or not.

9- Where do you host or distribute your content
  • I Choose on my Website and YouTube.

10-Why do you want to choose content id program (select all that apply as mentioned)

11- I want to use content id to identify
  • I recommend you to select:-
  • Audio-visual content (video with an audio channel)

12-Please explain briefly why would you want to participate in Content Identification Program

    I do upload videos on various kind of animals. And, I also upload videos mostly of my vacations with my friends.

Try to explain more briefly ,never copy and past ,they may detect this and you will be rejected.Use strongly recommended words with high vocabulary.This may encourage them to get you started by next steps via email

13-Please Provide a representative list of copyrighted works under your exclusive control:-
  • I have created a blog/website and I do share my videos with explanation on my tutorials.

[Tips:-Never show blank space in step 12 or 13,write without leaving any line]

That's it. If everything will be perfect. There are good chances for your ContentID claim will get approved. best of luck.

If you have any doubts or suggestions, please leave your comment below.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How To Create Static Pages In Blogger

Blogger Static Page

    Blogger Static Pages  are same as post pages though they have certainly difference compared to post pages. The difference is Blogger static pages don't have a label, they don't appear in the blog's archive. Blogger static pages are pages that primarily used to write Contact Pages, privacy Pages, About Me pages etc.

    But still, we can use this pages to provide external link to other parts of the blog or even totally to other blog/website.  The main advantages of using Static pages is they do act like a part of  skeleton of your blog. Therefore, the content of Static Pages can be accessed from any post or any part of blog. How you will be going to make use of it is only limited to one imagination.   

So, let's check out - How To Create Static Pages In Blogger :

Step 1: Log in to your account and Click on Dashboard of your blog

Step 2: Click on Pages as shown below

Step 3: Click on New Page - > Blank Page as shown below

Step 4: Write the "Title of the page" and enter the page content

Step 5: See the Preview of the page on your blog before publishing

Step 6: After completing the editing, Publish the Page  

Step 7: You do have 3 options: 
  • Place the page Link in Top menu bar- Top tabs
  • Place the page link in Side menu bar- Side tabs
  • To enter page link manually on your blog- Don't show

Step 8: Now, save the arrangement   

Your Static Page looks like as shown below 

That's it. Now you have created your static page. 

If you have any doubts or suggestions, please do leave your comment below.

How To Add Floating Social Media Share Buttons Widget To Blogger

Social networking sites has changed the way we communicate with our family, friends and relatives.

  The same kind of affect is on blogs too. The blogging platform now has become too much social network oriented. To achieve the high traffic for your blogs and to have grasp the larger audience , the bloggers must have social media presence on the web for their blogs.

The Social Media Widget increases traffic and engagement with the world’s most popular sharing buttons for blogs.

Normally, the Social sharing widget is at the end of the posts. The advantage of floating vertical social media share buttons is, they flow with content when the visitor scrolls the page.

So, let's see - How to Add a Social Media Widget To Your Blog:

Step 1: Go to your Dashboard of your blog

Step 2: Click Layout -> Add Widget

Step 3: From the list - Select "HTML/JavaScript"

Step 4: Copy and Paste the below code in the "Content" section 
               [NOTE : Leave "Title" section empty]

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_32x32_style" style="left:50px;top:50px;">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_pinterest_share"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_linkedin"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_share"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_stumbleupon"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

Step 5: Click "Save" button. And, "Save the arrangement" of your blog.

Visit the blog to see the changes.

If you want social media buttons with count on them, please do check the below link. 
Click Here : How To Add Floating Social Media Share Widget With "Numbers" Count To Blogger

If you have any doubts or suggestions, please do leave your comments below.

How To Remove or Hide Blogger Navbar From Your Blog 2013

The first time when we signup and start our blog, the blogger provides us with basic default layouts and settings for our blog. For the person, who started blogging the layout may looks cool with all the handy features in it. But, as your blogging skills increases you start to get annoyed by the "Navbar" provided by blogger(as default).

The Navbar diminishes the professional look of your blog, yet being handy when it comes to provide you with Logging into your blog, publishing your posts, customizing your site.

To keep it or remove depends on one's own perspective.

In the following steps we will be going to see "How To Remove or Hide Blogger Navbar From Your Blog"- And, it is too easy to do.

    Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard 

    Step 2: Go to Layout-> Click Navbar -> Edit

    Step 3: From the shown list of options select "off" option. 

    Step 4: Click Save. And you're done. 

Now visit the blog and the Navbar has been removed from your blog.

So, do you think Navbar is useful or it is just a useless gadget. Please, share your valuable views and comment below.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails For Blogger Blog

In this post, we are going to see "How to Add a Recent Posts" widget to your blog. The "Recent Posts" widget with thumbnails will help the blog visitors to find the recent posts quickly. This is one more widget which will help your blog to gain traffic and it even adds a good look to your blog. It will improve the user experience of your blog many folds.

This widget shows the title of the post, thumbnail and a small summary.

So, let's check out "How To Add Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails"-

Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard - Click on Layout

Step 2: Click on "Add a Gadget"

Step 3: Select "HTML/JavaScript" from the list. Copy and Paste the below code.

<style type='text/css'>
img.recent_thumb {padding:1px;width:55px;height:55px;border:0;
.recent_posts_with_thumbs {float: left;width: 100%;min-height: 70px;margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;padding: 0;font-size:12px;}
ul.recent_posts_with_thumbs li {padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px;min-height:65px;}
.recent_posts_with_thumbs a {text-decoration:none;}
.recent_posts_with_thumbs strong {font-size:10px;}</style>
<script style='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script style='text/javascript'>
var numposts = 5;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = true;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 100;</script>

<script src=''></script> 

  • Change the URL "" with your own blog address.
  • Change the numposts = 5 value with any number of posts you want on your Recent Posts Widget.
  • Change the numchars = 100 value with any number of characters you want to show in summary of Recent Posts.
  • Change the true to false to activate or deactivate any feature of this widget.
Step 4: Now save the widget. And save the arrangement and Visit your blog.

Congrats. You have now added the "Recent Posts" widget on your blog.

If you have any doubts or suggestions. Please comment below.

How to Add Facebook like Box in Blogger Blog

Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are providing the custom like and follow boxes which can help bloggers to gain dedicated followers to your blog. 
Now a days, social networking sites became an integral part of blogging. Facebook like box can help you to extend your reach and connect to the audience by proving them a mean to join you on Facebook. Which in turn, will help you to grow traffic on your blog too. 

{Note: You have to edit your Blog's template.It is recommended to take a backup of your Blog. First Click on  your Blogger Dashboard - click on template- click on Backup/Restore and download the template from the pop-up window}

So, let's check- How to Add Facebook like Box in Blogger Blog:
  • Now that you have taken the backup, you are ready for the process. Visit the Facebook Developers.
  • You will see a window like the one shown below.

  • Customize the look and feel, height, width of your Like box from the left window and you can see the changes in real-time on right window.
  • Uncheck the show stream, if you don't want the latest posts with this widget.
  • Uncheck the header checkbox, if you don't want to display "Find us on Facebook"(as you can see on our blog).
  • Once you are done with the customization, click on Get code. It would pop-up a window like the one shown below.

  • Click on Edit template from the Blogger dashboard. Copy the "Code A" from the above window and paste it just after the <body> tag.
  • Now save the template and click the Layout button.
  • Click on add a gadget from your sidebar. Add HTML/JavaScript gadget and Paste the "Code B" in it.
  • Now you are done. Save the arrangement and click on View Blog.
Congrats,you just added a Facebook Like Box on your blog.

If you have any doubts or suggestions. Please comment below.

Monday, July 22, 2013

RSS Graffiti: Auto Publish Blog Feed To Facebook

RSS Graffiti is one of the best application on Facebook to publish the blog feeds on Facebook pages or on personal profiles. RSS Graffiti helps to updates the Facebook pages or profiles by reading data from the blog's feed. So, the primary requirement over here is to have a RSS feed system implemented on your blog from services like feed-burner etc.

We can use RSS Graffiti to accept the process feeds from various sources on to Facebook pages or profiles. It means, you can have multiple feeds and multiple pages to publish the updates using this app. And, above all this is a free app.

The automation process of your Facebook pages or profile will be helpful to keep your fans and friends updated by decreasing the workload to update the Facebook pages and profile manually.

So, let's check out- How to configure RSS Graffiti to publish the posts on Facebook pages or profile on your behalf.

Steps For Setting-Up RSS Graffiti App For Auto Publishing 

  • A pop will be displayed asking for Authorizing your Facebook account to use this app. Just click "Go to Permission Dialog"
  • Next you need to authorize the RSS Graffiti to use your public profile, friend list,email address and groups. Just click "okay"

  • Now allow the RSS Graffiti by clicking "okay" to post on your wall on your behalf.

  • Now click on "Add New Publishing Plan"

  •   Enter the name of your profile or Facebook fan page at "My publishing plan"

  • Click on "New Source" button to add the source URL basically an RSS feed URL. 

  • Click on "New Target" button to add the Facebook page on which you want automated updates from RSS feeds.

  • There are a lot of settings which you can tune up or down depending upon your particular requirements. I would suggest you too play around a little bit explore it. But, specially take care of the "Publishing Plan Frequency" depending on how often you would like RSS Graffiti to check the RSS feed for new posts.

Facebook Fan Page Configuration 
  • To update your Facebook fan pages this is the best method.
  • You can even add many other sources to create a very engaging data for the page followers so as to gain a good amount of likes. 
  • Which in turn will help you boost your blog traffic.
So far this is the app which I'm personally using on my various Facebook Fan Pages on various niches. 

If you have any doubts or suggestions. Please comment below.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

How To Download YouTube Video - No Software Required

Many of us watch those awesome videos on YouTube. And few of those videos on YouTube, we would like to have it. So, how to download these videos.

      In this post, we will be going to learn "How to download a YouTube video without using any software".

Follow this simple steps to download your favorite videos-

Step 1: Open the Video you want to download

Step 2: Go to address bar and copy the address or URL.

Step 3: Open and paste the copied URL/link, than press download(NOTE: You may need to download Java Software, if you don't have)

Step 4: Click on the quality and format you want(you can even download mp3/audio also)

That's it. Enjoy. Watch the above video for complete tutorial.

Do you think this is the best way to download YouTube Videos? Comment below.

Check Out: Top 10 Abandoned Places In The World

Top 10 Internet Browsers 2013

In the simple defination, a internet browser is a software application that enables you to browse the world wide web, locating and accessing webpages.  
The browsers are are ranked based on the in-depth criteria used to evaluate the best internet browsers on the market depending on it's feature set, security speed, compatibility, ease of use and help and support.

And, many of us are using it right now to see this page. So, let' check out this "Top 10 Internet Browsers".  

10 - Avant Browser

Avant Browser is a freeware web browser from a Chinese programmer named Anderson Che, which unites the Trident layout engine built into Windows with an interface intended to be more feature-rich, flexible and ergonomic than Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE). It runs on Windows 2000 and above, including Windows 7As of November 2008, total downloads surpassed 22.5 million. Avant Browser is currently available in 41 languages.

9 - Deepnet Explorer

Deepnet Explorer is a web browser created by Deepnet Security for the Microsoft Windows platform. The most recent version is 1.5.3 (BETA 3) which was Released October 19, 2006. Developed in Britain, Deepnet Explorer gained early recognition both for its use of anti-phishing tools and the inclusion of a peer-to-peer facility forfile sharing, based on the Gnutella network.

8 - SeaMonkey

SeaMonkey is a free and open source cross-platform Internet suite. It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code.
The development of SeaMonkey is community-driven, in contrast to the Mozilla Application Suite, which until its last released version (1.7.13) was governed by the Mozilla Foundation. The new project-leading group is theSeaMonkey Council.

7 - Rockmelt


Rockmelt web browser project was backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen. Although the browser was launched in private beta on November 8, 2010 for desktop, it is not currently supported on the PC or Mac due to work on the iPad and other mobile releases. Rockmelt is now exclusively for iOS (both iPhoneand iPad) and Android with versions for Windows 8, and desktop planned.

6 - Maxthon

Maxthon, originally known as MyIE2, is a freeware web browser for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X that is developed in China. It is also available on iOS and Android platforms as Maxthon Mobile. Since the release of version 3, Maxthon uniquely supports both the Trident and the WebKit rendering engines.
Maxthon won CNET WebWare 100 Awards in 2008 and 2009, and was #97 in PCWorld’s list of the 100 Best Products of 2011.

5 - Safari
Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and included with the Mac OS X and iOS operating systems. First released as a public beta on January 7, 2003 on the company's OS X operating system, it became Apple's default browser beginning with Mac OS X v10.3 "Panther". Safari is also the native browser for iOS. It also supported by PC.

4 - Opera
Opera is a web browser and Internet suite developed by Opera Software with over 300 million users worldwide. Opera Mini, which is the third most popular mobile web browser as of March 2013, has been chosen as the default integrated web browser in several mobile handsets by their respective manufacturers.

3 - Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer is one of the most widely used web browsers, attaining a peak of about 95% usage share during 2002 and 2003. It was first released as part of the add-on package Plus! for Windows 95 that year. The latest stable release is Internet Explorer 10, with a new interface allowing for use as both a desktop application, and as a Windows 8 application.

2 - Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed for WindowsOS X and Linux, with a mobile version for Android, by Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.According to Mozilla, Firefox counts over 450 million users around the world.

1 - Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a best web Browser in the world. Google Chrome can be compatible with all operating Systems. Chrome is the light weight flagship browser that originated from an open source project by Google called Chromium and Chromium OS. It is now one of the most widely used browser thanks to the vast ecosystem of extensions and add-on's, a robust JavaScript engine and rapid release development cycle that keeps it on the competitive end of curve.

So there we go! The Top 10 Internet Browsers countdown is complete. Do you agree with our choices? What’s your favorite browser? Comment below!